Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dali @ MOMA

MOMA had an exhibit that ended recently on Dali and his work in film, which was so interesting and bizarre (of course). Here are links to two of his more interesting collaborations...

Dali and Disney might sound like an odd pairing to work together, but remember how experimental Fantasia was? They worked on a creating a short animated film called Destino but the project was eventually dropped. More recently the film was finally completed based on all Dali's original storyboards. It looks strikingly modern but it VERY authentically Dali.

Another really interesting collaboration was with Alfred Hitchcock, where Dali designed the dream sequences for the film Spellbound. Hitchcock didn't like how dreams were usually shot in films as being fuzzy or unclear, because dreams are vivid and strong. I think their two visons worked together quite harmoniously...

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